We Cannot Walk Alone: Anti-Racism and Allyship - March 9, 2021
We hosted a live-streamed conversation with Rev. Ken Brown, Jordan Lee, Garlinda Burton, moderated by Dr. Janet Forbes. “We Cannot Walk Alone” is a quote from Martin Luther King’s renowned “I Have a Dream” speech which exemplifies our purpose to seek greater connection in the fight to dismantle racism. All are invited to become a part of the global movement of justice and making positive change.
Megan Burch, LCSW - Building Your Emotional Immunity: Cultivating Resilience for Every Day Life – September 17, 2019
We learned simple, practical strategies to help us handle the complex and often challenging issues we all face every day.
Rabbi Jamie Korngold - God in the Wilderness - Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Rabbi Korngold spoke with us about her pioneering work integrating spirituality with the outdoors.
Lawrence Martin - Love Matters - Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Lawrence inspired us with his ideas for incorporating love into all that we do. Our compassion reaches into the world.
Iman Jodeh, Rev. Jasper Peters, and Rabbi Brian Immerman - Spiritual Journeys in this Interfaith World - Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Our panel of leaders shared stories about their life experience, faith journeys and connecting people in true community.
Chris Wilterdink - Building Your Spiritual Muscle - Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Chris engaged with participants in exploring our stories of spiritual transformation and taught tactics that challenged participants to grow.
Janet Forbes - The Spirituality of Pilgrimage - October 17, 2017
Rev. Janet shared photos and stories of her spiritual journey along the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
Brian Luke Seaward-Health of the Human Spirit - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
The evening was filled with thought provoking wisdom, intriguing stories and precious moments of laughter. Dr. Seaward described the “Seasons of the Soul,” centering (autumn), emptying (winter), grounding (spring) and connecting (summer), as a natural flow in the process of the soul’s growth.
An Evening with Terry Hershey – Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Terry is the author of The Power of Pause and Sanctuary: Creating a Space for Grace in your Life. Through stories, humor and practical guidelines, he gave us permission to pause, reflect, and discover what is most important. We considered the “thresholds” in our lives – the places and moments that nourish, replenish and bring us grace.
Catch Yourself Coming Alive – Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Schawn Kellogg, R.N., M.Div. invited a full-house crowd to consider how our deepest, most spiritual selves desire that we connect with those things that make us come more fully alive in our daily lives.
Faith & Psychology - Engaging the Spirituality of Children and Teens: Strategies to Support Faith Development – Tuesday, September 14, 2015
Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley, founder of First Steps Spirituality discussed how the integration of psychology and faith can bring about a healthier, happier world for our children, teens and families.
Love Your Life No Matter What – Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Pennie Hunt, author, speaker, and communicator of life lessons drew from her own life challenges to share strategies for changing, healing, and empowering our lives. Pennie concluded her message by teaching our full house the “Gratitude Dance.”
Holiday Food for Your Body & Soul – November 4, 2014
Kimba Ashworth, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, returned to St. Luke's to help us focus on what really matters during the Holiday Season. With warmth and humor, Kimba provided helpful tips to promote both physical and spiritual nourishment during this busy, emotionally charged time.
Paths to Better Family, Workplace & Personal Relationships–
September 16, 2014
Carl Cleveland, Center for Family Systems, led an interactive discussion about how we can strengthen our ability to connect authentically with those who matter most to us: our families, our friends, and our co-workers. Participants overwhelmingly agreed that we gained new perspectives and strategies to improve important relationships.
Mind Body Nutrition and Spirituality – February 4, 2014
Kimba Ashworth, an Eating Psychology Coach, shared her own story of struggles with food and cultural expectations. During this interactive session, Kimba provided some practical approaches to improve nutrition, health, and well-being.
Courage in Everyday Life – November 12, 2013
Bryan Hutchinson led us in an exploration of the concept of courage - what it is, how we can develop courage when we need it, and how we can become courageous when we are feeling most vulnerable.
An Evening Focused on the Authentic Self – February 5, 2013
Reverends Jerry Herships and Ryan Canaday facilitated an interactive evening, focused on Authenticity and Vulnerability: Becoming Your True Self. Through stories spiced with humor, Ryan and Jerry shared their personal experiences with living vulnerably.
Invitation to Your Soul – October 12, 2012
This hands-on evening introduced new paths to connect with and nurture our spiritual selves. Guided reflections paired with tactile experiences provided opportunities to step outside of our noisy, busy lives. We experienced the contemplative oasis of a Taizé service in our candlelit Chapel, melodic prayers, and sacred time for meditation.
Finding Wellness - February, 2012
Jerry Herships led us in an engaging evening on pathways to finding wellness.
October 4, 2011
Dr. Andi Pusavat tackled our common, but less-than-satisfying, quest for happiness. She introduced the ancient concept of “Dayeinu,” the ability to claim, or to recognize, that what has been is good enough. Andi walked us through strategies to focus on what really matters in life, and she provided a self-study guide to help us clarify our own Dayeinu experiences.
Growing in Gracious Space: Living a Wellness Lifestyle – April 5, 2011
Dr. Jane Mountain led a discussion about the importance of creating Gracious Space for dialogue about wellness in the context of mental health challenges. Dr. Mountain affirms the possibility of mental wellness through resiliency, which grows out of hope.
Building in Gracious Space: Developing Assets – A Strength-based Approach to Helping Kids Thrive – February 20, 2011
Dana Max, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist specializing in Youth and Families, helped us consider how we all can nurture competent, caring, and responsible children and youth. We explored barriers to helping children develop the Assets they need to thrive, and discussed steps to help our children build more Assets into their lives.
Living in Gracious Space: Strategies for Managing Stress – January 18, 2011
Andi Pusavat, Counseling Psychologist and Director of the Iliff School of Theology Counseling Center, directed us to consider new strategies for managing stress and moving toward a sense of wholeness in our lives. We shared techniques for managing and reducing stress.
Creating Gracious Space: Enhancing a Spirit of Compassion and Understanding – September 21, 2010
The Spirituality and Wellness Team led an exploration of the concept of Gracious Space, a way of being that sets the tone for honest and vigorous exchange with others, deep listening, and creativity around challenging issues.